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Bronte goes back to 1940s

The 24th anniversary of this great 1940 event in Haworth. The Bronte sisters' home village of Haworth went back to the war years for this 2 day event.

Land girls lean on Military Jeep
Land girls lean on Military Jeep

Brian Leathley who wed Andrea Earnshaw in a GI-style wedding during the Haworth 1940s in 2010 were the event managers along with Andrew Whitehead for the 2019 Haworth vintage event.

The pair lead the North West 101st Airborne re-enactment group, which normally mounts a display of American wartime vehicles and uniforms in West Lane at the weekend each year.

The weekend is the biggest event in Haworth’s annual programme of public entertainment and includes military and civilian vehicles, music from the 1940s, and a huge range of stalls, food, demonstrations

Living History

Haworth home guard were stationed at the bottom of the cobbled main street. The put on regular displays on both days Saturday and Sunday 18th & 19th May 2019

Events take place throughout the village, including vintage vehicle displays, evacuees event, re-enactments, speeches from Churchill, jive dancing, singing and bands playing.

There was lots of live entertainment to keep visitors happy.

The Haworth Old Hall put on plenty of entertainment throughout the weekend

Haworth Old Hall 1940s events
Haworth Old Hall 1940s events

The Keighley & Worth Valley Railway added a unique experience to the ww2 event when the Railway played its full part in celebrating the war years. Although the Railway was not involved in the event’s organisation, a two train passenger service operated on both days to a special timetable

Of course the event could not be a success without the enthusiasm of hundreds of visitors who love to dress up vintage. Many ladies and gents dress up in their vintage finery.

Boy sits on bonnet of military jeep vehicle
Boy sits on bonnet of military jeep vehicle

Ladies in Vintage fur Haworth 1940s 2019
Ladies in Vintage fur Haworth 1940s 2019

The Haworth event over the weekend, which highlights the heroics of those who fought in WWII while also raising money for armed forces

Colleen enjoys the 1940s weekend at Haworth as members of the French Resistance

Jive dancing, singing and bands playing, pantyhose with lines down the back, red lipstick, baskets for handbags, period dress, gents with braces and fair Isle vests.

Dennis Turner portrays Chief Marshal Bomber Harris
Dennis Turner portrays Chief Marshal Bomber Harris

Four women in period dress enjoying the annual Haworth 1940s weekend
Four women in period dress enjoying the annual Haworth 1940s weekend

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