Add your free business listing to Discover Bradford
Link exchange Partnership
Our mission for Discover Bradford is to promote the City and all businesses within it. We also need to promote ourselves and we need your help.
Putting a link on your page that points to Discover Bradford will help us greatly and in return we will include a custom advert to your website. You can either send us an image or we can create a free advert for you.
Digital Advertising
Advertise On Our Website
When you advertise on the Discover Bradford website, your ad is seen by a demographic of people who are seeking information about tourism in Bradford.. They are searching for the best places to stay, eat, drink and events to attend. .
Where Will My Ad Appear?
When we have verified a link to our Discover Bradford on your website, your ad will appear on a single webpage of your choice. Ads are located in the left hand column of the pages:. Square ads will appear at the top of the page.
Ad positions are determined on a first-come, first-served basis.
Ad Dimensions & Rates
250 x 250 square Free - Backlink Required any page.
728 × 90 – Free - Backlink Required Home page
How do Banner Ads Work?
You supply us with your web site address and a banner graphic that will be included here. A
Technical Specification
When sending your advertisement please ensure that you include the correct information.
A copy of the advertisement in the correct format JPEG or PNG
The advert hyperlink e.g. the website URL you want people to connect to when they click on your advertisement.
The type of advertisement
Your contact details so that we can contact you.
Send the information to the following email address: owdo
Advertising policy
Our advertising policy is intended to provide guidelines as to the type of advertising that may be permitted.
The presence of an advertisement on our website does not act as an endorsement or recommendation of the product or service that is advertised.
While we make every effort to make sure adverts meet standards set out in national guidelines, we’re not responsible for the quality or reliability of any products or services advertised.
We’re not responsible for any errors, omissions or consequences of visiting third party websites via advertising links on our site.