Bradford Industrial
Ground floor Galleries
First floor Galleries
The Linton Steam Gallery
As you enter the steam gallery take a left and follow it down the slope into the Linton steam gallery.
This room is home to 'Victor' a 300 h.p. Uni flow steam engine made by Newton Bean & Mitchell of Bradford. It was built in 1920 and named 'Victor'.
Newton Bean & Mitchell named all their engines.
Victor a rare example of a uniflow steam engine was built by messrs Newton Bean & Mitchell of Bradford and installed at Linton Mill near Grassington North Yorkshire in 1921.
After the closure of the mill the engine lay neglected for many years before being moved to the Bradford Industrial museum. in 1984.
J.N Bentley sponsored the construction for a new foundation bed for the engine at the Bradford Industrial Museum plus the dismantling and transporting of Victor to its new location.
Around the walls in the Linton gallery are various model displays.